Before Addons you had to work hard at running an instance. No Deadly Boss Mod to tell you to move or a spell is incoming. No healer help to tell you who needs healing. No on screen indicators of what is on cool down and for how long. No telling if you were going to pull aggro from the tank. YOU HAD TO WORK! .
You would have to time everything when it came to taking on a boss and that ment wipe after wipe after wipe.... but the rewards were sweeter when you finally beat the boss.
Healers would have to watch every team member on your screen to heal them. Clicking on their portrait to fire a heal off. Sweat dripping from your brow, trying to keep your party alive. Being in a Raid....oh that ment you were assigned certain group numbers to heal.. You were responsible for those players to keep participating in the boss fight, you let someone die!... what does this mean?? Will they hate you for it?? /whisper dead player "Dude! I am SO SORRY..<-- insert excuse as to why they had to watch the fight.....
DPS'rs would have to be able to dump the aggro in a quickness if they pulled... but there was no real way to dump it ( except for hunters...feign death!), you had to make your way to the tank as fast as possible hoping the healers can keep you alive long enough for the tank to try to meet you half way to pick up the boss.
In the middle of the boss fight starring at your action bar waiting for the cool down to finish.."Come on finish... hurry up.... just need to fire off this spell/attack/heal... come on!!!!!!"
Tanks had to maintain aggro and keep the bosses attention focused on them. Slamming every aggro cooldown ability as soon as it was ready. Turning the boss away from the raid/party...... "Yeah B!TCH your mine.. that's right keep attacking me!.. Yeah I said that about your MOM!.. ... Oh SH!T!! HEY Why are you not attacking me anymore??!!! COME BACK HERE!!!.. Face me like a man ... or what ever you are! ..*yells at the screen stupid mage/hunter/lock STOP PULLING AGGRO!!!!..*
Let's take a look at some of the comments people would throw out into chat...
"Well if you didn't pull aggro we wouldn't have wiped!"
"If you could maintain the aggro, then I wouldn't have pulled!"
"Well if the tank had more health I could have healed the rest of you."
"Thanks for not healing me @$$!" (Yes I have my profanity filter on!)
"Did you bring bandages??!!!???USE THEM!"
"Health Pots do work well when you use them!"
"Stop pulling aggro and then running away from the group!"
"Stupid (....)<--- insert class"
"OK let's go"
*tank pulls*
"WTF? I didn't get healed once!"
"What the H3LL do you think OOM! means??!!"
.."Hey Huntard! Why would you shoot before the tank pulls??"
"I am a Healer... Why is misdirect on me??!!" (of course if you didn't heal hunters or their pets.. the game would "Glitch" and this would happen as well.)
And my favorite.... wait for it.... wait for it..../drum roll.... "NOOB!" or "Nub"... which is still used today!
Then some kind and thoughtful people decided to throw out some extra help in the form of Addons for everyone to make it a little easier, a little more fun, and less stressful to raid/run.
Tank's and DPS'rs can watch their aggro.
Healers can throw out heals because they get alarms on who needs it.
a big warning flashes on your screen... "Move out of the fire" "Incoming adds" "Phase3 in 30 seconds" ....
Warning after warning after warning so you don't wipe the raid/party for some small reason or another.
Lets take a look at what is said now..
"Tank is down!"
"Oh sorry I had a lag spike"
"Stop pulling aggro!"
"My addon must not be working! I will reload it after"
"Huntard why are you pulling?"
"Did anyone else have that lag spike?"
"Your DPS is to low!"
"Sorry I am having so much lag ... any one having bad lag?" or " WTF.. My meter is showing I am on top... your's must be broken!"
and of course again... "Noob! why don't you get the right addon!" or "Nub! are you even using this (insert addon name) addon??"
So the point of this post is to say thanks to you "Mr. I am going to make WoW more fun - guy" This goes out to you.. Thanks for making us come up with new excuses as to why the raid/party wipes... Here's to all the "LAG" in WoW...
I will be posting some addon's I use at a later date/time.. which ever comes first...
Monday, May 31, 2010
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